This is your chance to be a...
Learn how to remodel your own website to get it EXACTLY like you envision, without getting overwhelmed or complicated coding!
WITH Web Designer in a Day YOU WILL...
  • Finally know how to update + remodel your own site to look like YOU envision
  •  Shape a consistent & cohesive brand voice throughout your website
  • Engineer a siteflow that is natural and helps people without feeling pushy
  • Inspire a higher emotional connection that creates trust in seconds
  • Create a website that’s totally YOU, that stands out from the competition

• Intro to HTML/CSS/PHP

• Intro to Wordpress + Squarespace

• Plugin recommendations that save lives
• Layer 1: Navigation and site flow

• Layer 2: Colors, Fonts, Logo

• Layer 3: Backgrounds + Details
BONUSES IN THE Web Designer in a Day Include....
When you act now you'll also receive:
Site Planning + Brand Questionnaire
(worth $497) for FREE.
And you'll also get:
Get found: SEO Secrets to Attract Incredible Clients
(worth $97) for FREE.
Plus, you'll get
The Designer’s Process Timelapse Video
Recordings of my thought and design processes
to creating customized web experiences
(priceless - unless you want to pay for design school) for FREE.
    Life is too short, and business moves TOO fast, to not have a website you're in love with, and PROUD to show off.
    But right now, you have this moment to fall in love again for only $397.
    on sale on this page only for $97!
    This is your chance to make your site gorgeous and perfectly you, now. Without the hefty price tag of custom design.
    What People Are Saying...
    "Sweet apple pie, y'all! I am gettin' schooled! Five years into business and I am picking up EVERYTHING Cathy is throwing down. Rich, relevant content. I feel like I have enrolled in a bona fide college level course."
    - Mae Updegraff
    "THESE LESSONS ARE BOMB, Cathy Olson! I needed the kick in the booty! There are so many applications even beyond your site that can be taken away from this class. SO GOOD. Hats off to you, I've learned so much!"
    "I was embarrassed by my previous template site. It wasn’t professional enough and just wasn’t me. Now, I have a beautiful digital calling card that I am so proud to share with everyone."
    Frequently Asked Questions
    What if I'm not a designer or coder?
    Well that's the point, silly! You become a web designer for a day with our foolproof guides to follow. You're going to love it!

    What programs do I need to know?
    None! The training for editing your website in Wordpress and Squarespace are included.

    Do I have to purchase any programs?
    For graphic updates, we recommend using Adobe Creative Suite programs. However, you can use whatever you are used to including Canva or PicMonkey. Design tutorials are not included.

    When do I get access to the files and the membership area?
    You will receive an email immediately after your purchase, giving you the link to access your membership portal, with all of the files and videos.

    What happens if I get stuck?
    We walk you through every step, piece by piece. But should you get stuck in some kind of tech way, email us and we'll walk you through a solution.

    What if I decide this isn't for me?
    Although we haven't had anyone ask for a refund yet, we stand by our 100% money back guarantee within 14 days of purchase.

    What if I need help from a pro?
    We at Love Inspired can help with that! We specialize in custom branding and website design. Check out our services and connect with us!

    What if I'm still unsure?
    If you're on the fence, purchase now for $397, $97 on sale and try it out! If you don't love it, no sweat! There's a 14 day, 100% money-back guarantee! 

    COPYRIGHT © 2017    |    Designer for a Day • A Love Inspired Brand    |    Privacy Policy    |    Terms and Conditions     |    Refund Policy